9–11 Oct 2023
Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Consequences of Ascaris-Salmonella co-infection on immune functions in the pig

9 Oct 2023, 16:45


Oral presentation Vaccines & Immunology Session 2: Vaccines & Immunology


Ankur Midha


Infections with the parasitic roundworm Ascaris suum and the bacterial pathogen Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica ser. Typhimurium are widespread in pigs and both pathogens are highly prevalent zoonotic agents. Interestingly, there is a statistical association between high Ascaris exposure and Salmonella prevalence within a pig herd. The immune response against A. suum is characterized by a Th2 response whereas the control of Salmonella requires the development of an opposing Th1 immune response. An important interface between the two pathogens is represented by macrophages; helminth infections lead to alternative activation of macrophages with anti-inflammatory properties while Salmonella achieves persistence by surviving within macrophages with features of alternative activation.
To study phenotypic changes in macrophages during Ascaris infection and assess whether these changes promote Salmonella persistence within the porcine host, various organs from infected pigs were analyzed using flow cytometry. Salmonella burden was assessed by bacterial colony counting.
Results & Conclusion
Preliminary findings indicate that Ascaris infection is associated with a Th2-type response resulting in higher Salmonella burdens compared to pigs infected with Salmonella alone.


Ascaris, helminth, salmonella, coinfection, macrophage, immunity

Registration-ID code 579
Junior Scientist Status Yes, I am a Junior Scientist.
Professional Status of the Speaker PhD Student

Primary authors

Ankur Midha Prof. Susanne Hartmann (Freie Universität Berlin)

Presentation materials

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External references

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