9–11 Oct 2023
Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Comparison of Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technology for genome analysis of Francisella tularensis, Bacillus anthracis, and Brucella suis

10 Oct 2023, 14:57


Oral presentation Bioinformatics, Digitalization and AI in One Health Research Lunch & Poster Viewing (P2)


Jörg Linde


Bacterial epidemiology requires understanding the spread of highly pathogenic bacteria like Bacillus anthracis, Brucella species, and Francisella tularensis. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) and genotyping are crucial for this purpose. While Illumina short-read sequencing is established, the suitability of Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) long-read sequencing remains unexplored.
This study evaluated Illumina, ONT flow cell versions 9.4.1 and 10.4 for six strains respectively, for each selected species. ONT produced ultra-long reads, while Illumina provided short reads with high accuracy. Flow cell version 10.4 improved accuracy. All technologies accurately identified the species and virulence markers. ONT allowed near closure assembly of chromosomes and virulence plasmids for Ba. anthracis.
All assemblies based on ONT, Illumina, and hybrid approaches correctly predicted canonical (sub-)clades for Ba. anthracis and F. tularensis and Multi-Locus Sequence Types (STs) for Br. suis. High-resolution genotyping showed comparable results between Illumina and ONT data for F. tularensis. Ba. anthracis aligned well only with flow cell version 10.4. Br. suis showed larger differences between Illumina and ONT.
In conclusion, combining ONT and Illumina data is feasible for high-resolution genotyping in F. tularensis and Ba. anthracis, but not yet for Br. suis. Improvements in nanopore technology may enable genotyping for all bacteria in the future.


Bacillus anthracis; Brucella; Francisella tularensis; Genome sequencing; Illumina; Oxford nanopore technology; R10.

Professional Status of the Speaker Postdoc
Registration-ID code ZOO23-604
Junior Scientist Status No, I am not a Junior Scientist.

Primary author

Jörg Linde


Dr Hanka Brangsch (Institute of Bacterial Infections and Zoonoses, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute) Mrs Christine Thomas (Institute of Bacterial Infections and Zoonoses, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute) Dr Martin Hölzer (Genome Competence Center (MF1), Methodology and Research Infrastructure, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany) Dr Mandy Elschner (Institute of Bacterial Infections and Zoonoses, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute) Dr Falk Melzer (Institute of Bacterial Infections and Zoonoses, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute) Dr Herbert Tomaso (Institute of Bacterial Infections and Zoonoses, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute)

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