9–11 Oct 2023
Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Advancing European research on viral zoonoses through the new One-Health-driven programme, “Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research” (ISIDORe)

10 Oct 2023, 11:00


Oral presentation Public Health & Pandemic Preparedness Session 6: Public Health & Pandemic Preparedness


Jonathan Ewbank


ISIDORe is a new approach to epidemic preparedness and response research in Europe. It assembles and provides free access to an unprecedented One Health-driven integrated portfolio of cutting-edge research resources, dedicated to the study of any epidemic-prone disease, including viral zoonoses. ISIDORe involves all the major European Research Infrastructures and networks in the field of biomedical research, from the most fundamental (e.g. structural biology) to the most applied (e.g. vaccine development and clinical trials).
Readiness to future infectious disease is now the main scope of the ISIDORe programme. Launched in November 2022, the preparedness programme includes a list of priority preparedness pathogens, established using One Health criteria, to prioritize zoonotic diseases of greatest concern. Clustered in four calls for proposals, it is aligned with the strategies of key leading European and international Public Health, animal health, and research and innovation bodies, specifically those in the initiative’s strategic advisory board: CEPI, the European Commission, the ECDC, EFPIA, EMA, FAO, GloPID-R, HERA, WHO and WOAH. This EU-funded mechanism enables transdisciplinary projects to be conducted, to improve preparedness, and accelerate innovation during times of emergencies. We will showcase the results of ISIDORe-supported projects and ongoing opportunities for free access open to all researchers.


One health, pandemic preparedness, zoonoses, research infrastructure, EU, service.

Junior Scientist Status No, I am not a Junior Scientist.
Professional Status of the Speaker Professor
Registration-ID code ZOO23-610

Primary authors

Jonathan Ewbank Claire Connellan (ERINHA) Diana Stepanyan (ERINHA) Dr Audrey Richard (ERINHA)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.

External references

Peer reviewing
