The One Health approach recognizes the close links between the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment. Due to this holistic view of health, the approach places special demands on researchers. The aim of the One Health Platform is to support researchers in the implementation of One Health and to improve the framework conditions for this. To this end, it actively promotes inter- and transdisciplinary networking, awards research funding, supports young scientists and advocates the One Health approach in science, politics and the public.
We are therefore grateful that – also thanks to the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Senat Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises and Pfizer – we can bring together about 400 scientists from different disciplines through this event: senior scientists, postdocs, PhD students, graduate students, public health workers, undergraduate students. With nearly 160 abstracts on the ten topics, there is the opportunity for the submitters to present their work either in one of the coveted short talks or as a poster, in the permanently accessible poster exhibition.
Pfizer (€ 3.000)