3–7 Jan 2026
Building K
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome Note

Welcome - and when I say welcome, I mean a really, really soulwarming welcome from the depths of my heart welcome - to this wonderful conference in the heart of Wuppertal!



The registration fee includes coffee breaks, the welcome reception dinner, lunch buffets, an abstract book and conference material. Fee:

  • 500 Euro including social dinner (seniors)
  • 440 Euro without social dinner (seniors)


  • 400 Euro including social dinner (juniors)
  • 340 Euro without social dinner (juniors)


Please note that it will not be possible to pay separately for the dinner at the venue.

In addition, no reimbursement for a later change of mind will be possible.


Abstract submission

General information:

Max. 1500 characters including spaces/text formatting.
Field "content": Please enter your text without title or authors - there are separate fields for these entries.

All correspondence regarding this submission will be sent to you. It is your responsibility to communicate these information to any additional authors.

  • Please note that you may only submit one abstract per person. You may submit this either for a talk or for a poster presentation. The organizing committee of the meeting will evaluate the abstracts afterwards. You will then be notified in due course whether your abstract has been accepted. Please note that the space for oral presentations is limited. A designated poster viewing will take place during the sessions marked in the program.
  • Furthermore the submitter has to be registered (registration ID) and must also be the presenter of the submitted abstract.

Available presentation types: Oral or Poster


  1. Topic 1
  2. Topic 2
  3. Topic 3
  4. ....

All accepted abstracts will be published in our abstract volume - unless you object to this at the time of submission (please notify Mr. Christoph Peters in writing: retro25@orgalution.de).


Posters awards

Poster awards will be announced later.

Building K
Gaußstraße 20 42119 Wuppertal
Go to map
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.