9–11 Oct 2023
Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in E. coli from ducks and duck meat in Germany

9 Oct 2023, 21:00


Poster presentation Antimicrobial Use & Resistance Get-Together & Poster Viewing (P1)


Bernd-Alois Tenhagen (zoonosenplattform)


In Germany, in 2022, AMR in E. coli from ducks and duck meat was investigated in a monitoring program based on Commission Implementing Decision (CID) (EU) 2020/1729. Boot sock samples were randomly collected at farm and meat samples were collected at retail. E. coli was isolated from the samples using routine methods. Isolates were submitted to the NRL for Antimicrobial Resistance for species confirmation and antimicrobial susceptibility testing to 15 antimicrobials as prescribed in the CID and minimum inhibitory concentrations were evaluated based on EUCAST epidemiological cut off values or similar provisional values defined by the European Reference Laboratory and EFSA.
A total of 158 confirmed
E. coli isolates from farms and 149 isolates from fresh duck meat were included in the analysis. Resistance in isolates from meat samples (M) tended to be higher than from farm samples (F). Highest resistance was observed to tetracycline (M 24.2 %, F 18.4 %), ciprofloxacin (M 20.1 %, F 15.2 %) and ampicillin (M/F 18.4 %). Resistance was absent to gentamicin, amikacin and meropenem and extremely rare to 3rd gen. cephalosporins, azithromycin (1 isolate M each) and tigecycline (1 isolate F). Resistance to colistin was observed in four isolates (1 F, 3 M). More F isolates were fully susceptible than M isolates (59.5 % vs. 48.3 %, p=0.05).
Resistance of
E. coli* from ducks and duck meat was lower than in isolates from broilers and turkeys. The reason remains to be elucidated.


AMR, E. coli, ducks, meat

Registration-ID code #620
Professional Status of the Speaker Senior Scientist
Junior Scientist Status No, I am not a Junior Scientist.

Primary authors

Bernd-Alois Tenhagen (zoonosenplattform) Dr Carolina Plaza-Rodriguez (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung) Dr Mirjam Grobbel (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung)

Presentation materials

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External references

Peer reviewing
